Portal:Bí-kok/Did you know

Wikipedia (chū-iû ê pek-kho-choân-su) beh kā lí kóng...

Cha̍p-saⁿ Si̍t-bîn-tē

  • ...he 1607 nî chì 1733 nî nî-kan tī Pak Bí-chiu iân-hoāⁿ kiàn-li̍p ê Cha̍p-saⁿ Si̍t-bîn-tē (tô͘, âng-sek pō͘-hūn) lo̍h-bóe chiâⁿ chò Bí-kok to̍k-li̍p sî-chūn ê chú-iāu pō͘-hūn?
  • ...he Texas Kiōng-hô-kok tī 1836 nî 3 goe̍h 2 ji̍t kiàn-li̍p chò chi̍t-ê chú-khoân kok-ka, kàu 1846 nî 2 goe̍h 19 ji̍t chiah ka-ji̍p Bí-kok chò liân-pang chi̍t chiu?
  • ...he tē-16 jīm Bí-kok Chóng-thóng Abraham Lincoln, tī Gettysburg Ián-káng ēng bô-kàu 300 jī, 2 kàu 3 hun-cheng ê sî-kan tiông-sin tēng-gī liáu chá-chêng ê lōe-chiàn: m̄-nā sī ūi liân-pang, mā sī ūi lâng ê pêng-téng teh phà-piàⁿ?

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Sú-iōng[kái goân-sí-bé]

These "Did you know..." subpages are randomly displayed using {{Random subpage}}.

  1. The layout design for these subpages is at Portal:United States/Did you know/Layout.
  2. Add a new DYK to the next available subpage, including up to three hooks per page.
  3. Update the "Random subpage" start and end values above to include the new DYK and evenly distribute the number of items across the display templates.

Tán-thāi ka-thiam[kái goân-sí-bé]